Selasa, 21 Mei 2013

Cara Menghilangkan Pusing


10 Cara Menghilangkan Pusing Tanpa Minum Obat

Sakit kepala bisa menyerang Anda kapan saja dan di mana saja. Lalu bagaimana atasinya? jawabnya pasti minum obat bukan. Tapi bagaimana kalau Anda berpantang obat misal saat hamil atau kontradiksi pada obat. Penelitian yang dipublikasikan dalam American Academy of Neurology menunjukkan pemicu sakit kepala yang paling sering adalah meningkatnya temperatur suhu dan tekanan psikologis yang tinggi.
Untuk meredakannya seringkali kita mengonsumsi obat sakit kepala. Padahal, sakit kepala bisa diredakan dengan cara alami. Maka itu, jangan langsung mengonsumsi obat sakit kepala, lebih baik atasi dengan cara berikut, seperti dikutip dari Times of India.

1.Minum air putih.
Sakit kepala seringkali dipicu karena dehidrasi. Saat Anda kepanasan dan kehilangan banyak cairan disertai rasa sakit kepala, segera konsumsi air putih. Duduklah sebentar, kemudian minum air putih secara perlahan. Jangan lakukan banyak gerakan sampai sakit kepala hilang.

2. Menjauh dari komputer.
Radiasi komputer juga bisa menimbulkan rasa sakit di kepala. Hal tersebut biasanya terjadi pada Anda yang menghabiskan waktu berjam-jam di depan komputer. Cobalah matikan monitor, lalu pergilah ke luar ruangan untuk mencari udara segar.

3. Tarik nafas perlahan.
sambil pejamkan mata. Memejamkan mata adalah cara efektif untuk meredakan ketegangan otot mata yang menimbulkan rasa sakit kepala.

4.Seduh secangkir teh hitam.
Tambahkan perasan air lemon. Saat masih hangat, minum perlahan. Ini berguna untuk meredakan sakit kepala Anda segera.

5.Coba mengonsumsi sup panas.
Setelah itu, cobalah tidur dalam suasana tenang atau temaram.

6.Berendam di air hangat 
Berendam di air hangat  juga bisa menyembuhkan sakit kepala Anda. mampu mebuat anda lebih rileks

7.Gunakan jari telunjuk dan ibu jari
Gunakan jari telunjuk dan ibu jari untuk menekan secara perlahan batang hidung Anda. Dan, lakukan juga pijatan pada pelipis secara bergantian. Tapi ingat, jangan tekan terlalu keras.

8.Kompres kepala.
Ambillah kain lembut atau handuk kecil, lalu basahi dengan air bersuhu dingin. Lalu, tempelkan di kepala dan leher bagian belakang. Cara tersebut bisa mengurangi rasa sakit karena membuat efek relaksasi.

9 Meditasi. 
Saat muncul sakit kepala cobalah untuk bermeditasi. Pejamkan mata, tarik napas dan tahan selama lima detik kemudian buang secara perlahan. Fokuskan pikiran Anda pada hal-hal yang menyenangkan. Dengan begitu Anda bisa mengurangi ketegangan otot pemicu sakit kepala, akibat tekanan psikologis.

10. Pijit / kerok
Kemungkinan anda pijit karena masuk angin, cara yang paling ampuh tanpa minum obat tinggal di kerok aja. Atau dipijit untuk merileks kan otok2 anda yang tegang, sehingga peredaran daarh menjadi lancar. karena peredaran darah yang tak lancar bisa menyebabkan pusing kepala

Semoga bisa membantu untuk meredakan pusing Anda ya bagi yang sedang pusing.
Thanks dah mw baca artikelnya, jangan lupa tinggalka coment..

Minggu, 19 Mei 2013

Baby Pooh

teman-teman ini adalah salah satu animasi yang ku suka yaitu Winie The Pooh dia imut,menggemaskan,lucu dan yang paling kusuka dari pooh adalahdia suka membawa madu kemanapun dia pergi pasti dia membawa madu,tapi kalau aku yang pergi aku gx selalu membawa madu soalnya gx ada hhhh..pooh banyak teman  dan teman-temanya sayang banget sama pooh Nah bagi kalian semsayngilah teman-teman kalian jagan sia-siakan mereka karena kita tak bisa hidup tanpa seorang teman atau orang lain.,dan bersikaplah ramah,sopan terhadap orang lain oke.....

Mimpi Tidurku

Friend....aku mau curhat ni mungkin artikel-artikel yang lain hanya berisi puisi,tapi untuk ini aku akan mengisinya dengan ceritaku
Suatu malam aku bermimpi ada seseorang yang datang kepadaku,seseorang itu adalah sosok yang selalu datang di mimpiku,tapi semua itu terasa aneh ketika ku rasa dirinya telah memeluk diriku,aku tak tau apa arti dari semua ini,akupun tak tau kenapa dia memelukku?hanya satu hal yang kutau dari dirinya ketika dia memelukku,dia berkata bahwa dia akan memintaku dari ke dua orang tuaku,ya Allah tolong aku,aku bingung dengan semua ini?aku hanya bisa berserah diri kepadamu entah apa yang akan terjadi nanti aku takkan pernah tau,Semoga Allah memberikan petunjuk kepadaku AMIN...........!!!!!!!!!!!


Nah adek-adek ini adalah tempat saya bersekolah yaitu di SMA ISLAM SUDIRMAN 2 BOYOLALI,tempatnya nyaman,sejuk dan indah,di sini juga di lengkapi dengan berbagai fasilitas antara lain lab komputer,lab biologi,lab kimia.biayanya juga cukup murah di banding dengan SMK atau yang lainya
cukup dengan Rp675.000,- kalian bisa mendapatkan:

                                1.seragam 3 stel + icon boyolali
                                2.SPP bulan juli,
                                3.Atribut lengkap
                                4.operasional 1 thun
                                5.Masa orientasi siswa
Nah adek-adek kalo ada sekolah yang lebih murah ngapain ke sekolah yang mahal?
ayo adek-adek kakak tunggu di sini ya............????

Rabu, 15 Mei 2013

Contoh soal UKK Bhs Inggris

"Assallammuallaikum teman-teman aku mau bagi-bagi soal UKK Bhs Inggris ni buat kalian yang masih duduk di bangku SMA klasX,lihat ya........"

Mata Pelajaran            : Bahasa Inggris                                  Waktu             :         Menit
Kelas/Jurusan              : X                                                       Hari/Tanggal   :


Pilihlah jawaban a, b, c, d dan e yang menurut anda benar !

This text for question 1 to 5
This is Mr. Haryono’s house. It is big, clean and comfortable. There is a garden in front of the house. The  are some plants a flowers in the garden. There is a living room, a dining room, two bathrooms, a kitchen, three bedrooms and a garage
Mr. Haryono has same pets, a dog, and a parrot. Mr. Haryono takes care of the pets very carefully.

1.      The type of the text is…
a.       Description                                                                 
b.      Recount                                                                       e. Spoof
c.       Narrative

2.      What do you call the first paragraph of the text….
a.       Orientation                                                                  d. General classification         
b.      Identification                                                              e. Event
c.       Description
3.      The communicative purpose of the text is….
a.       to present to point  about Haryono house                   d. to persuade reader to keep their house
b.      to explain how Haryono maintains his house             e. Mr. Haryono have some pets
c.       to describe the conditions of Haryono house

4.      the text organization of the text is….
a.       identification, description                                           d. general clarification, description
b.      orientation, event                                                        e. orientation, evaluation
c.       identification, orientation

5.      Mr. Haryono has some pets the are….
a.       a cat                                                                             d. a kitchen
b.      a  snake                                                                       e. a garden
c.       a boon
The text question 6 to 11
“I have a cat”
Spots is a regular house a cat, he is a adorable cat he is orange for with white and black spots black spots. I lake to cuddle him because his for feels soft, every morning I give spot milk, spot does not like rice , 50 I give him cat food
Spot is active animal he like to run around the house he like to chase everyone in my house when he feel tired or sleeps on the sofa in the living room or sometime under that table

6.      what type of the text above….
  1. report                                                                           d. recount
  2. description                                                                  e. procedure
  3. narrative

7.      Witch the statement is not TRUE according to the text….
  1. spot this likes rice                                            d. sport usually sleeps on the sofa in the living room
  2. sport his orange spots                                      e. sport is tired
  3. spot likes to around the house

8.       “he likes to chose  everyone in my house”
The synonym of the underlined word is….
  1. Trick                                                                            d. cheat
  2. Catch                                                                           e. meet
  3. Hunt

9.      What eat the cat….
  1. milk and foot                                                              d. all write
  2. rice and vegetable                                                       e. penaple
  3. orange and banana

10.  where the cat is sleep….
  1. on the floor                                                                 d. on the chair
  2. on the fillow                                                                e. on the street
  3. on the table

11.  to tell the condition as what the are  the writer mostly expresses them in /with….
  1. passive voice                                                               d. simple present tense
  2. modals                                                                         e. past tense
  3. present perfect tense

12.  the generic structure of the text recount is….
  1. orientation, complication, event                                  d. orientation, complication, event
  2. orientation, event, re-orientation                                 e. orientation, re-orientation, event
  3. orientation, event, resolution

the text question 13 to 16

Here are tips on how to charm a girl: first, send her bunch of flowers at least every weekend; second, ring her up every day, at least asking ‘how are you?; third, try or enjoy what she likes or enjoys; fourth, be frequent to say ‘I Love You’ in any chance you are encountering for saying it.

13.  The genre. Of the text is….
  1. Narrative                                                                     d. discussion
  2. Procedure                                                                    e. recount
  3. Description

14.  the text is about….
  1. tips to charm a girl                                                      d. the importance of having a girl
  2. how to treat a charming girl                                        e. making a girl a target of life
  3. tricks to cheat a girl

15.  to prescribe the methods, the writer uses….
  1. imperative sentences                                                   d. noun clauses
  2. simple past tense                                                         e. simple perfect tense
  3. to infinitive

16.  what is the structure of the text above….
  1. goal, material, steps                                                     d. orientation, event, steps
  2. goal, material, event                                                    e. orientation, event, re-orientation
  3. goal, steps, event

The text for question 17 – 25
My brother, sisters and I went to spend our holiday in Bali. Each of us should ride the car at least three hours. It was the last week of December 2008. we Left Solo on Saturday afternoon. We also didn’t forget to bring our camera. On Sunday morning we arrived in Gilimanuk. We dropped for one day at my uncle’s house. They had prepared breakfast when we arrived at his house. We had rice and “ayam betutu”; really It was very hot but delicious.
In Monday we went to Dempasar. First we visited “Sanur” beach. As it was still early in the morning we could see  the sunrise. We also prayed some moment on the  sand then we looked for a hotel because we have no relative who stayed there.
On that day we also visited “Kuta” beach, Garuda Wisnu Kencana” and also “Sukawati” market. We had our lunch on the way when we felt hungry. At night we also enjoyed “Barong” dance. Something that we never forgot was taking pictures at any tourist resort.
On the last day we visited “Sangeh”, where we could see many monkeys. Many of them are still wild and they sometimes bite visitor, from here we went straight to “Bedugul” lake, we went around it by a small voat to see some temples at the other side. Unfortunately, it was raining so hard that we all so wet. We changed our clothes there vecause we could also buy clothes at wht shop near the lake. Really it was so wonderful that I promise I want to visit Bali again next time.


17.  What type of the text above?
                  a.       Report                                                                         d. Narrative
                  b.      Explanation                                                                 e. Recount
                  c.       Description

18.  The communicative purpose of the text above is ….
                  a.       Tell the readers avout writer’s holiday in Bali
                  b.      To inform the reader where the Bali is
                  c.       To discuss the writer’s holiday                                              
d.      To amuse the readers by telling the trip to Bali
e.       To explain the readers in detail avout the holiday

19.  When was the trip happened?
a.       Last week                                                                    d. Last week of December 2008
b.      Last week of December 2009                                     e. every week
c.       Last week of August 2008

20.  Who drove the car?
a.       The writer                                                                    d. The writer’s sister
b.      The writer’s brother                                                    e. The driver
c.       The drove in turn

21.  Where did they drop first?
a.       at Sanur Beach                                                            d. at Sangeh
b.       at their uncle’s house                                                 e. at Bedugul Lake
c.        at Kuta Beach

22.  The first sentence function as ….
a.       Orientation                                                                  d. event
b.      Re-orentation                                                              e. a thesis
c.       Complication

23.  The last sentences function as ….
a.       Orientation                                                                  d. event
b.      Re-orentation                                                              e. a thesis
c.       Complication

24.  To tell the condition as, what the are the writer mostly expreses them in ….
a.       Vassive Voice                                                             d. present tenses
b.      Modals                                                                        e. direct speech
c.       Past tense

25.  The structure of the text above is ….
a.       Orientation, event, re-orientation                                d. identification, resolution
b.      Goal, material, steps                                                    e. orientation, steps
c.       Event, orientation

The reading text is for number 26-30

June, 3th 2005

Dear Rio

Hi Rio how are you? I hope you are OK.
      By the way now I have a computer. My father bought is last month for me. I usually play games in the computer.
      I take those picture of cars with the computer. First, I click window explorer. Second, I click word program. Finally, I click paste. Those picture, then, move to my letter as you see now. Of course I need learn more about how to use the computer because I only know a little about it. I don’t know how to refill it. Write to me as soon as you can.
See you letter. Bye.
                                                                                                      Sincerely yours.

26.  According to the letter ….
a.       Rio has more knowledge then Herman                       d. Rio is as clever as Herman
b.      Herman is cleverer than Rio                                        e. Rio more clever than Herman
c.       Herman and Rio in the same class

27.  The way of moving a picture in the computer is shown in ….
a.       Paragraph 1                                                                 d. Paragraph 4
b.      Paragraph 3                                                                 e. paragraph 1 and 2
c.       Paragraph 2

28.  Finally I click paste. The similarity of the underlined word is ….
a.       At the beginning                                                         d. at last
b.      Formally                                                                      e. at first
c.       the end of the word

29.  Do you know how to refill  it? The underlined word refers to ….
a.       Central processing unit                                               d. computer
b.      Window explorer                                                        e. picture
c.       Catridge

30.  What does …… hope? He hopes Rio ……. The letter ….
a.       Rio/receive/soons                                                        d. Herman/ask/late
b.      Rio/answer/soon                                                          e. Herman/answer/soon
c.       Rio/answer/late

The reading text is for number 31-45

            Early one morning, Umar was walking to the bus stop to catch a bus to school. A loud screeching noise suddenly pierced the air. Umar realized that there had been and accident. A small boy wos lying unconscious on the road, and the car that had hit him had ready run away.
            Umar was confused and the frightened. “ is the boy dead?” Umar asked himself. However, the boy way still breathing. Umar cloud see that the boy had bruises all over his face and arms.
            Umar did know what to do. Few cars passed along this road at this time of the day. The nearest house which he could go to for help was his own, but it would take ten minutes to walk there. Umar finally the decided to stay with the boy umtil somebody came by.
            Time passed very slowly-so it seemed to Umar. The boy was still unconscious, and umar prayed for the boy to regain consciousnesss.
            Umar had a lot to tell to his friends that they at school. All his friends thought Umar was a very brave boy. “ it was an unforgettable incident, wasn’t it?”They asked him. “ yes it was, “ umar replied. “ it was a terrifyinjg experience, thought!”.

31.  Where did the accident happen?
a.       At the bus stop                                                            d. at the police station
b.      Near umar’s house                                                      e. on the way to the bus stop
c.       Near umar’s school

32.  The purpose of the text is to ….
a.       Tell a past event                                                          d. report a phenomena
b.      Entertain readers                                                         e. describe Umar’s activity
c.       Discuss something

33.  Umar and the helpful driver went to the police atation after they ….
a.       Stopped the approaching car                                      d. had seen the injured boy the on road
b.      Reported the accident they saw                                 e. had carried the injured boy to the hospital
c.       Brought the boy to the nearest house

34.  “ Later the driver took Umar to the police station to report the accident.” ( paragraph 5 ) this part of the text is called ….
a.       Resolution                                                                   d. reorientation
b.      Orientation                                                                  e. an introduction to events
c.       Description

35.  what do umar’s friends think about him ….
a.       He is an honest boy                                                     d. he is a kind boy
b.      He is a coward boy                                                     e. he is an easy going boy
c.       He is a very brave boy

36.  Rindu        : “ mom, I am nominated in the singing contest.”
Mama        : “ great! I’m really pround of you.”
The underlined utterance is an expression ….
a.       will                                                                              d. plan
b.      pride                                                                            e. satisfaction
c.       hope

37.  X   : “ There will be a party at my house tonight, would you like to come?”
Y   : “ I’d love to, but I have an appointment with me colleague.”
From the dialog we know that the second speaker … the invitation.
a.       Gives                                                                           d. loves
b.      Declines                                                                      e. enjoys
c.       Takes

38.  Raissa        : “ I’m sorry, I can’t leave now. We have to practice the last part on the drama but we …by six o’clock,”
Rezza        :don’t worry. I’ll wait until you finished.”
a.       Finish                                                                          d. are finishing
b.      will finish                                                                    e. will have finishing
c.       have finish

39.  A   : “ you have only a few minutes before the train leaves, or you … it.”
B   :”Thank you for reminding me.”
a.       Might miss                                                                  d. have to miss
b.      Have missed                                                                e. should have missed
c.       Are missing

40.  Ina             : “ what do you think of yourm new red dress?”
Eta             : “ ……… it goes with my shoes.”
Ina             : “ I think so. You look beautiful on it.”
Eta             : “ Thank you.”
a.       I am very satisfied with it.                                          d. I don’t like it
b.      I don’t think so                                                           e. It’s too difficult to do
c.       sorry to hear that

41.  Martin       : “ I’m sure he … be able to do the test well. Because he studied seriously last night.”
David        : “ I hope so”.
a.       Can not                                                                       d. might
b.      Could have                                                                  e. will
c.       Must not

42.  A   : “ …………?”
B   : “ He work at a foreign company.”

a.       Where is he work                                                        d. where does he work
b.      Where did he work                                                     e. does he work at a foreign company           
c.       Where do he work

43.  Teacher 1   : “ did you see the head master?”
Teacher 2   : “ yes, he … in the library now.”
a.       Reads a megazine                                                       d. read a megazine
b.      is reading a magazine                                                  e. has read a megazine
c.       was reading a magazine

44.  pete           : “ how about having dinner with me tonight?”
kate           : “ thank you. I’d love to.”
From the dialogue above we conclude that ….
a.       Kate declines the invitation                                        d. Pete invites kate to have dinner together
b.      Pete want to have dinner                                            e. Pete make a date with kate
c.       Kate love pete

45.  April          : “ My brother has got a scholarship to continue his study in one of prominent university in America.”
Ivone         : “……….”
a.       I’m glad to hear that                                                   d. I’m not surprise
b.      I’m sorry to know that                                                            e. I’m not satisfied
c.       It’s common

The reading text is for number 45 - 50

Meat Floss Porridge
  • 250 cc hot water
  • 50 gram instant porridge
  • 1 spoon soya sauce
  • 1 spoon chili sauce
  • 10 gram meat floss

Methot :
  1. Put instant porridge into a bowl
  2. paur 250 cc hot water, stir well, leave it for about 3 minutes until porridge thickened
  3. add soya sauce and chili sauce car mush (ar you like)
  4. then, spread crackers and meat floss the Porridge is ready to be served.


46.  How much instant porridge do you need to make the meat floss porridge
a.       250 cc                                                                          d. 10 gram
b.      50 gram                                                                       e. 5 spoon
c.       1 spoon

47.  What should we do after stirring the porridge….
a.       Put the instant porridge into  a bowl                          d. wait for about 3 minutes
b.      Aad Soya sauce and chili sauce                                  e. add potatoes
c.       Add crackers and meat floss

48.  “ ………………  until the porridge thickened
What is the meaning of the italic word
a.       To become solid                                                          d. to become powder
b.      To get weak                                                                e. to become sald
c.       To raise the volume

49.  what is the writing purpose of the text? ….
a.       meat floss porridge                                                     d. instant floss
b.      instant porridge                                                           e. instant water
c.       crackers and meat floss
50.  How many steps are there in the instruction? ….
a.       5 steps                                                                         d. 2 steps
b.      4 steps                                                                         e. 6 steps
c.       3 steps
                                                      “Good Luck”